how to handle rodenticides

How To Handle Rodenticides?

Rodenticides are powerful substances that help in fighting the battle against rodents. It effectively controls rodent populations that can spread disease and damage property. These substances are potentially dangerous, mishandling them can pose significant risks that can ruin your human health and cause environmental contamination. Whether you are an owner of commercial or residential property and facing mouse issues, you can trust the environmental friendly pest control services. This in depth guide will walk you through the best practices that help in selecting, applying, storing, and disposing of the rodenticides from your area.

What is Rodenticide?

The rodenticide is commonly known as rat killer. When the trapping procedure is not effective there the rodenticide solution comes into play. These pest control solutions are typically used to eliminate or kill the rats and mice from your properties. You can administer rodenticide in the form of sprays, powders, and pellets to kill the rats. Always use the rodenticide with caution to avoid its dangerous effects on humans, pets, and birds.

Different Categories of Rodenticides

The most common categories of rodenticides that effectively kill the rats to keep your place safe from diseases and other issues are below. Check them out.

Highly Toxic Rodenticides

  • Thallium
  • Zinc phosphide
  • Arsenic
  • Yellow phosphorus
  • Strychnine
  • Sodium monofluoroacetate

Moderately Toxic Rodenticides

  • Alpha-naphthyl-thiourea (ANTU)
  • Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT)

Low Toxic Rodenticides

  • Red squill
  • Norbormide
  • Anticoagulant

Common Types of Rodenticides

Every person must be familiar that rodenticides come in various formulations. Each rodenticide is designed specifically to target the rat species or work effectively under certain conditions. Let’s explore the types for more guidance:


Rodenticides are available in a range of types to kill rodents. It works by preventing blood clotting but causes internal bleeding. There are two types of anticoagulants including the first and second grade rodenticides. The second generation anticoagulants are highly effective in killing rats.


These types of rodenticides badly affect the nervous system which causes the high buildup of calcium in the blood. These lethal doses can eliminate the rats from your properties in a few days or weeks to keep humans safe from dangerous rodents.

Non-toxic Baits

The nontoxic baits are the best solution if you have kids and pets at your property. These rodenticides work effectively against rodents and pose minimal risks to other species available in your home or office.

Always consider factors while selecting the type of rodenticide for killing rats. Be careful while handling the rodenticide to get high quality results.

Guide to Handling Rodenticide Safely

A comprehensive guide for you to handle rodenticide safely is ready to catch your attention.

Choosing Right Rodenticide

Picking a required rodenticide is the most challenging step to follow. You must know what types of rodents are attacking your space. Additionally, you should find the targeted location, and consider all the safety concerns to select the rodenticide that meets your criteria. The right rodenticide will work like magic for you.

Read the Labeling Carefully

Before administering the rodenticide, carefully read the labeling. The labeling of rodenticide contains the details about active ingredients, using method, and safety measures. Never use a rodenticide in your space without reading the labeling, otherwise, there’s a high chance you are inviting trouble. Moreover, it messes up the effectiveness.

Use Protective Gear

Wearing protective gear is essential to minimize risks. You must wear gloves, respirators, or masks, and protective clothing to prevent accidental touch or ingestion. Try to avoid eating while administering the rodenticide inside and outside your properties. Always pick the right protective gear depending on the severity of the rodenticide.

Apply Rodenticide Correctly

Proper application of rodenticide ensures its effective and safe working. You must select the location where rodents in large amounts are active. The common areas are walls, attics, near entry points, and basements. Try to keep the rodenticide away from all types of eatables, and liquid things to avoid contamination. Constantly monitor the bait stations to verify everything is under control.

Prevent Secondary Poisoning

Secondary poisoning usually occurs when the pets eat the rodenticide. To prevent this situation, you must use bait stations, choose the right rodenticide, and remove the dead rodents promptly. With these considerations, you can easily prevent the pets from entering the areas where rodenticides are administered.

Store Rodenticide Safely

Prevent accidental exposure to rodenticides by storing them safely in the right place. You must keep the rodenticide in its original bottle to avoid confusion. Moreover, you should store the bottle in locked cabinets to keep it away from children or pets. Keep the rodent poison at a dry and cold place to maintain the effectiveness of the product.

Disposing of Rodenticide and Dead Rodents

The owner must dispose of both dead rodents and rodenticide to prevent accidental exposure. You must follow the local guidelines about disposing of it. While disposing, you should use gloves and seal the dead rodents inside the plastic packet to avoid environmental contamination. One more thing, do not dispose of the leftover rodenticide in the trash, throw it in the hazardous waste location.

Emergency Responses and First Aid

Sometimes after taking all the protective measures, accidents may occur. In these critical situations, you can mitigate risks by responding to the emergency correctly. If someone ingested the rodenticide, call the poison control center. If your skin comes in contact while handling rodents, wash and sanitize it instantly. If someone inhales the fumes of rodenticide, try to move outside in fresh air.

Industries Commonly Use Rodenticides

According to modorintelligence, the current market size for rodenticides is USD 2.18 billion and is expected to reach USD 2.60 billion in 2029. The rodenticides are dangerous and cause diseases like plague and Hantavirus. These diseases pose serious effects on human health. That’s why it is crucial to get rid of these moving rodents inside and outside your property. These rodenticides are EPA approved. The most common industries that use these rodenticides are discussed below.

  • Multi family properties
  • Urban center
  • Pest control companies
  • Industrial warehouses
  • Single family house
  • Farming and agriculture

Adverse Health Effects of Rodenticides

Any person or pet that comes in contact with the rodenticide can face serious health effects. Exposure to these powders, pellets, or spray rodenticides can irritate the eyes and skin. But the problems get worse if you ingest or inhale these rat killing products. The effects can be minor, moderate, or worse for humans. Here are the most common issues:

  • The person feels a sore throat, burning skin, watery eyes, and irritated skin. He/she can feel nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. They also feel rashes and blisters on their skin immediately because of these rodenticides.
  • Exposure to these dangerous rodenticides causes respiratory and reproductive problems. Even a person can face serious cancer issues. Moreover, a person also feels blurred vision and a high quantity of saliva production.
  • The people who inhale rodenticide can also face issues including paralysis, death, liver problems, and internal bleeding.

Remember this, rodenticides not only cause problems after inhaling. Instead, touching these products can damage your healthy lifestyle.

Do You Still Fear Handling Rodenticides?

If you are still confused about how to deal with different rodenticides in your office or house, no worries. There is a good solution for you. You book an exterminator from a certified and competent pest control company to get rid of these filthy pests. The reasons for acquiring rodent control services from certified rat exterminators are discussed next.

Job Right Done

Dealing with rodenticides is not like there’s nothing to it that any inexperienced person can even do it with perfection. Thus, it is mandatory to hire rat exterminators. They know that your properties are major investments. The professional rat exterminators follow industry standard procedures to kill these rats from your properties.

Keeps you Safe

The rat exterminators administer the rodenticide correctly in your spaces. They follow every possible way to keep you and your pets safe from the side effects of rodenticides. The exterminators put up the signage to let people know that this area is not safe to enter for humans.

Have Certificates

You should always go for professional exterminators because they have certificates and training. The pest control companies train the rat exterminators regarding the latest procedures and protective gear to control rats in your spaces. They have the training to prevent rat entry in the future.

Prevent Property Damage

The exterminators prevent property damage. They perform every task inside and outside your property with great care and meticulous attention to detail. The exterminators instantly eradicate the rats from your properties to make the furniture, wires, and cabinets safe. The exterminators follow every possible step to keep you safe from future costly repairs.

Offer Mind Peace

Mind peace is the main reason that every person is searching for. When you have a professional exterminator in your house or office, you have 100% surety that you are in safe hands. The team considers every little thing while eradicating these tiny filthy creatures from your area. Whether the rats are available on roofs, pipes, or other areas, the exterminators have the knowledge to deal with them.

So, if you are facing rat problems in your properties, it’s high time to call rat exterminators. They respond quickly to your queries, reach your destination on the spot, and are available 24/7 to serve you. They can do anything to save your family and employees from the adverse effects of these dirty rats. Hopefully, this guideline proves helpful for you.